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  Victor Semenovich
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Dear friends, dear colleagues!
I welcome you on my personal pages!

I am Victor Martynyuk, doctor of biological science with specialization in biophysics, professor,  chair of the Department of Biophysics in Education-Scientific Center “Institute of Biology” of Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University of Kyiv.  Besides my main occupation I also serve as a мшсу-зкуышвуте of Ukrainian Biophysical Society, second-editor of scientific journal “Physics of the Alive”, member of the Interdisciplinary Scientific Group “Cosmos and Biosphere”, organizer and co-organizer of some scientific conferences (International Crimean Conference " Cosmos and Biosphere”, 3rd Alexander Gurwitsch Conference "Biophotons and Coherent Systems in Biology, Biophysics and Biotechnology, International  conference "Biologically active substances: fundamental and applied problems"), vice-president of International Committee for Research and Study of Environmental Factors (CIFA).

My main scientific interests and my passion belong to electromagnetic biology, ecological biophysics, heliobiology. My best friends and colleagues, who are co-authors of articles and monograph, are prof. Nataia Temuryants and
prof. Boris Vladimirsky.
The r
esults own researches and researches I have made in cooperation with my friends and colleagues for the past 20 years show the following basic facts.

1. The weak magnetic fields of extremely low frequencies (ELF MF) of natural and technogenous origin simultaneously influence on the different levels of organization of living systems. We discovered the functional changes in central nervous, immune, cardiovascular and blood systems. Cells of APUD-system are one of the maximally sensitive to the influence of ELF MF. But the influence of ELF MF is also revealed on the level of structural-functional properties of membranes and proteins. Nevertheless, a majority of the changes of functional state of organism associated with influence of ELF MF are within frame of physiological norm. On the system level such changes show up as a non-specific adaptation reactions.

2. Biological effects of ELF MF depend on individual-typological (constitutional) features of organism. The influence of ELF MF decreases the some metabolic and physiological differences between experimental animals that were initially revealed before MF-exposure. In male rats, that demonstrate high activity in “open field” test, the hemispheres of brain are more active in the system response of organism on ELF MF influence. In animals with low activity in “open field” influence of ELF MF activates the thalamic and hypothalamic structures. The MF-associated changes in right hemisphere more significant comparatively to the left one that testifies to important role of functional inter-hemisphere asymmetry of brain in the system response of organism of animals on ELF MF exposure.

3. Decrease of concentration of melatonin in blood plasma is one of the basic effects of multiple influence of ELF MF. But ELF MF-associated changes of melatonin concentration after short-term single influence depends on individual-typological peculiarities of organism. The active in “open field” animals’ response to the short-term influence of ELF MF by increase of melatonin concentration in blood plasma, the low active animals – by decrease. This fact testifies to important individual features of organism in system response and it can possibly explain the reasons of contradiction of some experimental results on melatonin level in blood.   

4. The parameters of biological rhythms (periods and phase) correlate with parameters of variations of natural electromagnetic background that modulated by space weather associated with solar activity. The main heliobiological phenomena that revealed in our researches are following:
- the presence of the coincided sets of periods for bio-, geo- and cosmophysical processes in very wide spectrum of periods: from 10 min up to a few months;
- the season variations of correlation value between biological processes and indices of the space weather;
- period blinking due to pumping-over of oscillations power of other periods;
- the development of adaptation during ontogenesis results to “imprinting” of steady dynamics of electromagnetic background in the structure of biological rhythms of organism.

5. Experimental influence of ELF MF in animal organisms changes the parameters of ultra- and infra- biorhythms and forms the new structure of biorhythms in population in animals with similar sets of periods and phases. The disappearance of initial individual-typological differences between animals takes place due to such synchronizing influence of ELF MF. These facts confirm an idea that natural steady variations of the natural electromagnetic background can be used by living organisms for the time organization of their metabolic and physiological processes.

6. The mast cells that are the one of the cells of APUD-system directly response on ELF MF influence both in vivo and in vitro. Their response depends on frequency, magnitude and time of exposition of ELF MF. In constant geomagnetic field the frequencies 2, 8-10, 50. 72-74 Hz activate mast cells, while 32-34 Hz suppress their functional activity. These facts allow us to suppose that ELF MF can activate some immune processes and provoke or make allergic reactions more sensible. Influence of ELF MF removes the inhibitory effects of sodium chromoglycate on mast cells and modulates response of mast cells on morphine stimulation. The decrease/increase/modulation of biological and pharmacological activity of different substances was revealed in set of our works and works of other investigators.

7. The influence of ELF MF induces the dynamical changes of structural-functional properties of proteins. These changes are more significant under structuring of water by low molecular hydrophobic substances and saturation of protein molecules by such small non-polar substances. ELF MF also changes the solubility of hydrophobic and amphipathic substances. These facts testify to changes of hydrophilic-hydrophobic balance in water colloidal systems under the influence of ELF MF. As a result, such changes influence on protein folding.

8. There is complex “interference” of the different primary physical and biophysical mechanisms of the different organizational levels of living organisms. These mechanisms synchronously appear on physical-chemical, biomolecular, cellular and organism levels. The integration of different mechanisms on a system level leads to the development of the non-specific adaptation reactions that usually observed in experiments. Final realization of such interference and integration depends both on the parameters of the influencing MF and individual-typological features of organism and its functional state that is the basis of the variability of the biological response of live systems living in weak electromagnetic influence conditions.

I sincerely thank all my friends and colleagues for endless and very useful discussions of electromagnetic and heliobiology issues:
prof. Natali Temuryants (Taurida National University, Simferopol, Ukraine),
prof. Boris Vladimirsky (Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Crimea, Ukraine),
prof. Vladimir Voeikov (Moscow State University, Russia),
prof. Lev Belousov (Moscow state University, Russia),
prof. Simon Shnoll (Institute Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of RAS, Pushino, Russia),
prof. Mykhailo Lychak (Space Research Institute of NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine),
prof. Mykola Miroshnichenko (Kyiv National University, Kyiv, Ukraine),
prof. Mykola Makarchuk (Kyiv National University, Kyiv, Ukraine),
prof. Vladimir Berzhansky (Taurida National University, Simferopol, Ukraine),
prof. Marina Trubina (Russian Hydrometeorological University, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia),
prof. Ivan Stepanyuk (Russian Hydrometeorological University, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia),
prof. Tamara Breus (Space Research Institute of RAS, Moscow, Russia),
prof. Yuri Kopytenko (IZMIRAN, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia),
prof. Nataia Ptitsyna (IZMIRAN, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia),
prof. Helen Chuyan (Taurida National University, Simferopol, Ukraine),
prof. Helen Gromozova (Institute of Microbiology of NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine),
prof. Yury Limansky (Institute of Physiology of NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine),
prof. Larisa Brizhik (Institute Theoretical Physics of NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine),
prof. Lidia Gall (Analytical Equipment Constructing Institute , Sankt-Petersburg, Russia),
prof. Giorgio Villoresi (Dipartimento di Fisica E. Amaldi, University Roma Tre, Rome, Italy),
prof Nuncio Iucci (Dipartimento di Fisica E. Amaldi, University Roma Tre, Rome, Italy),
prof. Vincenzo Valenzi (Lugano University, Lugano, Switzerland) ,
prof. Franz Halberg (Halberg Chronodiology Center, Minneapolis, USA) ,
prof. Yuri Gurfinkel (Central Clinical Hospital N1, Moscow, Russia),
prof. Natali Khorseva (Institute of Biochemical Physics of RAS, Moscow, Russia),
prof. Natalia Nurishenko (Institute of Physiology of Biological Faculty of Kyiv National University, Kyiv, Ukraine),
prof. Valery Slesarev (State Madical Academy, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia),
prof. Alexander Trofimov (Scientific Center of Experimental Medicine of RAMN, Novosibirsk, Russia),
prof. Vladimir Tsetlin (Institute of Biomedical Problems of RAS, Moscow, Russia),
prof. Natalia Belova (Institute Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of RAS, Pushino, Russia),
prof. Sergi Sitko (Ukraine)
PhD Dominik Pfluger (Datametrix AG, Zürich, Switzerland),
PhD Tatiana Zenchenko (Institute Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of RAS, Pushino, Russia),
PhD Andrew Drozdov (Analytical Equipment Constructing Institute , Sankt-Petersburg, Russia),
PhD Eugeny Kopytenko (IZMIRAN, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia),
PhD Masha Ragulska (IZMIRAN, Troitsk, Russia),
PhD Vitali Vishnevsky (Institute on mathematical machines and system problems of NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine),
PhD Marina Makhonina (Taurida National University, Simferopol, Ukraine),
PhD Pavel Kalinovsky (Taurida National University, Simferopol, Ukraine),
PhD Pavel Grigoriev (Ecological Institute, Simferopol, Ukraine),
PhD Abu Khada Rema Hasan.

My special thanks to my old best friend who lives now in Vancuver in Canada Ilia Anisimov .

My special endless thanks to my beautiful wife, to my friend and to my colleague Yulia Tseyslyer.

  Ukrainian Biophysical Society
  Workgroup "Cosmos and Biosphere"
  MAVIS Publisher
  Journal "Physics of the Alive"



© Victor Martynyuk 2008